Extreme Coupon Edition


Companies are constantly trying to attract buyers.

Whether its two dollars off a box of fruit loops or 75 percent off your next pair of shiny black heels. Buyers LOVE coupons.

In Kathy Patterson`s class we learned about promotional sales and the use of coupons. According to Kathy they`re many different types of coupons. Consumers can get media delivered,In-pack, out-pack and instant redeem coupons. Coupons are available anywhere for shoppers to get their hands on.When you walk into a store you will now see coupons sitting where the product is.

By the coupon being beside the product and the product being beside the competitor, consumers will most of the time choose the product with a coupon attached to it.  It might be a  five dollar box of cereal with a two dollar off coupon or the competitor cereal also at five dollars with no coupon. I know for me I will choose the cereal with two dollars off, because we are saving money.

Companies realize that consumers perfer to save money rather than spend money on a more expensive product. By positioning their product with a coupon they are already winning.

So when you are purchasing your nwxt product don`t forget to pick up that coupon. You might just save some money!

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